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What We Do

Table 7 Press is a book publishing company that specializes in the hospitality industry. If a book has to do with hotels, restaurants, culinary, or customer service, we are interested. Our mission is to bring unique and compelling stories from the world of hospitality to the forefront. We work closely with authors to bring their vision to life and provide readers with insightful and engaging content.

Why Work With Us?

We know what kind of book works in the hospitality genre. We know what makes a cover sell and how to position your book in the marketplace. We work with you to build your audience and give your book the best possible chance to get it in front of your readers. 

What You Do

To submit a manuscript

Short summary, author bio, Table of Contents, sample chapter, marketing plan, why anyone would care, who your audience is, anticipated length in words, why it is important, and what unique features your book contains. 

We only accept submissions by e-mail
with attachments.  
Send your submission to:
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